Current Workshops Offered

Take a look at our classes and workshops currently offered. Check out our Workshops page for upcoming classes. If there is something you are interested in but currently isn’t scheduled, send us a message and we’ll do our best to coordinate with our instructors to schedule something.

*Classes are subject to cancelation if only one student has signed up.

*Day-of class registration is dependent on instructor availability and dependent on the above mentioned scenario.

  • Clay Modeling - Introduces you to Monster Clay. This is great for those looking to understand the fundamentals of working with the clay. Cost = $40

    Mold Making - This is a two day class where you learn the fundamentals of casting a mold. The first day you will create your prosthetic and mold. When you come back the second day, you will apply your latex. Leave this class with your very own prosthetic to apply AND your own mold to reuse. Cost = $50 single day, $80 both days highly recommended.

    *These classes are typically held Saturday afternoons.

  • Backdrops & Facades Part I - Introduces you to the foundation of sculpting foam. Cost = $40

    Backdrops & Facades Part II - Learning to paint and design your foam into looking like something else (wood, stone, etc.). Cost = $40

    *These classes are typically held on Saturday afternoons.

  • Illustration - This class will teach you the basis of sketching and free-hand drawing. Cost = $25.

    Watercolor - Join us for seasonal watercolor painting tutorials. Join a one-time session to create a fun painting with our amazing instructor, or sign up for a multi-course bundle to learn more of the fundamentals of watercolor and discover your own path. Cost = $30.

    Acrylic Paint Night - Follow the guidance of our instructor and leave with your own painting. *Separate kids paint class available.
    **Kids must be at least
    4 years old.
    Cost =$25-$30.

    *These classes are typically held during weekdays.

  • Plushie Pattern Making - Sign up for the Intro class to begin the pattern making process for your very own stuffed animal. If you aren’t able to complete your project in the Intro class, come back for one or two more sessions in our Club. Intro class costs $30. Club costs $30 for one session or $50 for two.

    *These classes are held Friday evenings.

    Beginner Crochet - Learn to understand the basics of crochet and learn an easy beginner pattern. Tools will be provided. Cost = $25. **

    Intermediate Crochet - For those who already have some knowledge and understanding of crochet, and are ready to learn a more advanced technique that is still beginner friendly. Tools are provided and will be included with the cost. Cost = $35.

    “Stitchin’” Crochet Club - Already taken one of our other crochet classes or you’re already familiar with crochet and would like to join like-minded crocheters, and still seek some guidance on your project. Come to one or multiple sessions. Tools will be provided. Cost for one session $25 or $40 for two. **

    **Additional costs apply to keep tools unless otherwise specified.

    *These classes are typically held Monday evenings.

  • Building a Character - Perfect for those that are just getting started and are looking for assistance breaking down the Player Handbook. Cost = $30.

    Intro to Becoming a DM - Learn the basics behind being a Dungeon Master and leave with the skills to run your own campaign. **MUST have played D&D and have an understanding of the gameplay.

    Basics of World Building - An introduction to storytelling to create a more immersive campaign. This is also a great class for writers looking to work through writers block.

    *These classes are typically held weekday evenings.

  • EVA Foam - Perfect class for those looking to up their cosplay game for conventions, Halloween, etc. Offering an entry level class, you’re able to understand the basics of working with multiple pieces and put them together. Leveling up to Intermediate teaches you how certain paints will work with the foam to teach you how to creatively disguise your work into looking like a completely different material. Beginner class costs $35 and Intermediate class costs $40.

    *These classes are typically held Saturday afternoons.

  • SFX Makeup - Work with a professional makeup artist to design a latex wound and how to apply it.

    Creature Makeup - Specifically curated during the Halloween season. Our professional makeup instructor will guide you through the process to transform a model into a creepy creature using different techniques.

    *These classes are typically held on Saturday afternoons.

Upcoming Workshops

Interested in one of our classes but don’t see it currently scheduled? Send us a message below.